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Yarn, fabric
Installation at Brickscape Art Residency Charleston, WV

I am originally from Japan and have spent most of my life in the suburbs of large cities: Osaka, Dallas, and Boston. When I moved to West Virginia in 2009, I was amazed by the beautiful wilderness here, with four distinct seasons, rolling hilly drives, birds visiting my backyard, families of deer living in my neighborhood, and rivers running through green mountains. In this project, I want to portray the vibrant nature of West Virginia. I also want to trigger memories from childhood’s spent exploring nature by inviting you into the Green Tunnel.  When I was a child, finding a secret or hidden passage in my neighborhood’s woods was exciting. I do not want to forget how to enjoy these simple things in my life.
Please feel free to color and hang the provided fabric bird ornaments inside of the green tunnel.

Green Tunnel: Bio
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